
Iowa Liquor Sales - Advanced Analytics & Dashboards

In-depth analysis and advanced dashboards of Iowa's liquor sales

Language: Python

🎉 The App won 2nd place in the Plotly Autumn App Challenge 🎉

1 Disclaimer

The Iowa Liquor Sales App is a web app developed for the Plotly Fall Community App Challenge. The challenge has not been initiated by the Govt. of Iowa and the resulting app is not a product of the Govt. of Iowa. It is Open Source and is not intended to be commercialized.

The app is accessible at this link.

2 Data Sourcing

The data used to build the app come from Kaggle and can be retrieved here.

3 Dashboards

The app contains 4 pages, each showcasing highly-interactive dashboards:

  1. Sales analytics by county
  2. Cumulative sales by county and by store
  3. Profit & Loss statements for Iowa
  4. Timeseries